Trees and skyline

Lovers View

Enlightened Alignment

Scoot 787-9 @ Perth Airport

Wasted View

Magpie-lark (Grallina cyanoleuca cyanoleuca)

24 April 2018 - Red Baron Tours Grumman G-164 Ag-Cat seaplane "Snoopy" (VH-KKD) over the Swan River, Perth, Western Australia

Al-Atheer Aviation A310-304 @ Perth Airport

Perth Pano

Perth Stadium Views - the new bridge

Perth Stadium - AFL round 1 2018

Underneath The Arches

Perth Stadium Views - towards East Perth

Qantas 737-838 @ Perth Airport

Garuda Indonesia 737-8U3 @ Perth Airport

Perth, from new Stadium

Grey Darling

Australian Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus australis)

Foothills Vista

Perth's new Stadium

Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea)

Ripening Tomato

Even Flow

9V-STU Singapore Airlines Airbus A330-343

VH-VHD Skytraders Airbus A319-115(LR)

Edge of Civilisation

Natures Artistry

Dry nature

Winters Due

VH-FZI Virgin Australia Fokker 100

VH-RIO RFDS Hawker 800XP

Canning River Regional Park

VH-YQW Qantas Link Boeing B717-2BL

Saturday Night Light Show

Perpetual Dawn

A Sense of Calm

Twilight Tomato

Langley Park

9M-LNY Malindo Boeing B737-800

Electric Sunset

VH-VZM Qantas Boeing B737-838