Metamorphosis has Begun

Fiery Skipper

Gold for All.

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

Sunset Singer

Spring Robin

Willow Flycatcher

Monarch Queen

A Dragon Tale

House Sparrow in Barbary

White-throated Beauty

Elegance of Yellowlegs

Portrait of a Whitetail Buck

Whitetail in Velvet

Whitetail Buck Posing

the Ballerina

Oh those Owlet Eyes...

A Common yellowthroat

Tree Swallow Elegance

Autumn in Blood Red ~

Maple Magic ~

Up in fog - В туман

Full Circle

Delaware River

Tacony-Palmyra Bridge

Pearl Crescent

Delaware River in April

You look tired my friend - Выглядишь усталым, друг мой

House Wren

Neshaminy State Park

In continuation of lines - B продолжении линий

fall reflections

make a wish

spring stars

landscape test 2

do you like butter?

Lush jungle of...Neshaminy Creek

It's a Flutterbye

Leftover cornstalks

Facts Proven Wrong