nothing runs like a Deere...

there's a new wind ablowin'...(HFF)

Mile Post 57.75

complete breakdown....(HMM)

Playing In The Rain

C&NW Eastbounds at Cortland, Illinois

Northern Illinois University

Altgeld Hall

NIU Police

Altgeld Hall

Rage Against the Machine!

CNW 1023 at Dekalb, IL

Original CGW Sycamore IL Depot 1947

C M & G - C G W Crossing at Wilkinson 1941

The Staple

Wilkinson Station 1941

Long view of the aisle

Milwaukee Road Over Lincoln Hwy DeKalb, IL

365_301 / Left Behind

The Dekalb Liquor Mart is ran by assholes

C&NW #4160 Roster DeKalb, Illinois

these are the end times....

Sycamore Illinois - DeKalb County Courthouse

UP 1989 Take 2

Corn Field Meet

On the gust front

Union Pacific 7778, 8401 and 8630 near Maple Park, Illinois

Union Pacific

Farm Country

DeKalb Twilight

Elva Grain Elevator

Drone Panorama

Where we go

Eagle Sunset ~ DeKalb County, Illinois

New Dawn

Elva Grain Elevator

Downtown Malta

Eerie Windmills

CGW Path Sycamore West End 2010

CGW Signal Platform At Wilkinson