Maltese Running Along The Biggesee

Herscheid - landscape

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

18.02.2009 - 08:47 Uhr

Gummersbach - Niederseßmar

20.02.2009 - 08:58 Uhr

October Rides, Part 1: Biggesee

New view to Gummersbach

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland),(HDR), 07-08-2012

My window view #Gummersbach #Germany #spring

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

Germany, Railway Station Brügge (Sauerland), 07-08-2012

View from Robert Kolb Turm

25.02.2009 - 09:02 Uhr

Lepiota full view


Lake Bigge, Germany (explored)

sun ///\\\ beams

Stilleking Lüdenscheid Sauerland

Winter sun

Blick über Wenkhausen

The enchanted forest


Sonne gegen Nebel / Sun vs early morning mist

Lake Bigge, Germany





Good morning from the #Rhine #valley! #windowview #Cologne #nrw #germany #morningshot #sunrise #picoftheday

fall colors at reservoir Fürwigge

Lake Lister, Attendorn - Germany

IMG_0068 - Version 2
