Cinnamon Teal


Gopher it!

Night Flight

Spoon Gliding - Explore (Highest position: 68 on February 23, 2011)

remains of the day

First Launch

[134/365] STS-132: Atlantis Shuttle Launch

Roseate Spoonbill

Saturn V rocket, stage 1, rear view

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch 10 Second Exposure of Smoke Trail

2015 - 03 - 27 - Big Brother Visits Florida

Andromeda Galaxy on display at Kennedy Space Centre

Reddish Egret on the Hunt in the Other Direction at Merritt Island NWR, Florida

We have Splashdown....

Reddish Egret on the Wing Over Merritt Island NWR, Florida

[136/365] STS-134: Endeavour Shuttle Launch

Liftoff of Space Shuttle Endeavour

The skyline of Titusville, Florida, U.S.A. on the banks of the Indian River

Anticipating landing

Before sunrise over the VAB

Early 2

Kennedy Space Center

Blue Sky and Blue Water

Sunrise over the skyline of Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S.A.

Seminole Ranch

Yellow-legs & Legs and Legs

Morning at Merritt Island

Seminole Ranch

Sunrise over the Cape

Seminole Ranch

Adventurous landscape with swamp cypresses, alligators and a hidden bird

Touch and Go

Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center

Last Light at Merritt Island NWR

Merritt Island (Florida) sunset - 2016

Along Bio Lab Rd.

You May See Just About Anything

A Serious Case of Florida Sky (a.k.a. The Great Blue)

Kennedy Space Center