2012 China's Traditions (02)

2012 China's Traditions (03)

A Nine-Dragon Wall

A Nine-Dragon Wall

Heading for Hohot

View East from the South gate of Datong City Wall (newly constructed)

Know Your Bird Lotion - view large

View from Xuánkong temple, near Datong, Shanxi, China - 悬空寺,大同,山西,中国

Datong at Night

Yungang Grottoes

Yungang Grottoes

Yungang Grottoes

Yungang Grottoes

Old mapof Datong

Wall temple

Ceiling in a restaurant

Night lights

Shiny herons

Your own dragon


Yungang Grottoes

Going for dinner

Yungang Grottoes

Steep stairs

Yungang Shiku 01

Formal gate


Ling Yan Temple. Yungang Grottoes. Datong. China

The wall
