Greater Roadrunner, adult (Geococcyx californianus)

Reno Air Races 2013 - Hawker Sea Fury FB.11 "Sawbones"; N71GB

Cloudy Night Sky

Reno Air Races 2014 - Gee Bee Super Q.E.D. II

Three Jeeps

Welcome to Nevada!

Hallelujah Junction California sagebrush steppe

Reno Air Races 2009 - North American P-51D-20NT Mustang Race #7 "Strega"

Stead airport from above

Reno Air Races

Obstructed View

Jeeps near the summit

2nd view, camera turned to the right from prior photo. P1000723

Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)

View from proximity of geocache while up on the rock structure. I wish I'd thought to take a panoramic shot of the views from Tough Kidss Only geocache. P1000722

View from Pipe Dream geocache. P1000740

Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus)

Another view of the 4 Deer, only 2 are looking at Me. P1000735

3rd view, camera turned further right from prior photo. P1000724

Panoramic View of Y Junction. I'll take the "trail" that continues to the left. This is as far as the road goes. The rock structure in the background with a cloud behind it is where I'm headed. P1000717


Swan Lake

Crop From Djinn Valley Rainbow

Peavine Peak

T-6 Gold race finish

Spare Tire Inlet

Peavine Peak

Peavine Peak

Peavine Peak

T-6 class Gold Race-- Reno

Sun Rays

AT-6C 'Abracadabra'

Snag Camp

Snow dog

Sun peeking through some pine trees

Keep out of the lake

Peavine Peak in B&W

Storm coming

Hallelujah Junction

Peavine Peak

Moon setting in a smokey sky

Logging in Plumas County