Trapper Creek Canyon

Bitterroot Milky Way

Bitterroot Sky

Trapper Peak

Bitterroot Mountains

Bitterroot Mountains

Lost Horse Sunset

Marshy area

View of Trapper Peak from Darby house deck

A closer view, from afar

Darby, Montana 59829

Trapper Peak

Conner, Montana 59827

Ward, Montana

View of Trapper Peak from Darby house deck

View of Trapper Peak from Darby house deck

Lake Como Snowcap

Lake Como of the Bitterroot

Trapper peak

Lake Como Montana

Lake Como

Bitterroot Mountains

Baker Lake Trailhead

Bitterroot Valley

Winter's in the Air

Winter Shade South Shoreline of Como Lake

Gold Creek Road

Brandy Peak

Clouds Over The Anacondas

Lake Como

07/15/16 Josh and Caitlin finish cutting one of the last logs on Tin Cup trail. We cut over 90 logs off of the trail in the first three days of our hitch.

House we rented in Darby, Montana