Up on the Mountain...

minas basin view

Welcome to the Garden Room

Eat-in or Fly-out?

The Cornwallis River and Port Williams

Goldfinch: Dinner Time

Camera Obscura Cheverie, NS

HDR Combine

Clouds over Grand Pre

into the blue

Avonport viewpoint

How Many Sleeps 'Til Spring?

Grand Pre, NS

Evening at it's Finest

Lonely Sunset

blomidon vineyard, nova scotia

A Perfect Bench

Grand Pre Vista

Conservatory Greens

summer begins to fade

No longer Trucking Along

the sandra leanne

sown by the wind

green wheat

Wolfville, NS

just over the edge

It cleared up this afternoon

small falls

low tide in mud creek

golden morning

high tide....again

Cold on the marsh

Greenwich, NS

Dew Two

as above, so below

The Onlookers

the village

Morning Dew