River Canard

Could You Turn On The Sprinkler?

Bad Taste

Standing Tall

3,000 photostream views!!!

Seawall, path, ferry, and small boat.

Good & Bad Paint

Lazy Days Of Summer

Great Egret Reflection

Juvenile Bald Eagle

Expectant Begging

2 Fishermen

Surveying Her Kingdom

Canadian Flyby

Out Here In The Field

Amherstburg, TallshipsDSC_5614

Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge

Bronze Copper - female dorsal view

死 fallen

Dandelion Detail

View from a Bridge Pile on River Canard

Big Creek, Amherstburg Ontario

end of the weekend

into heaven

Staring The Spring Down

The Beach - In the Winter !

Springtime at Elizabeth Park

Reflections !

3 Swans a Swim'en

Detroit River #backhome #soewinefest

Mostly Cloudy

Lake Erie Shoreline

21st Bois Blanc Bob-Lo Light - Road Trip nbk

Wind over Lake Erie, Ontario

A Winter's Day


Mouillee Me

Hidden Lake


Sunset - Ice on Lake Erie

Fort Malden National Historic Site