The Islands Break

Another Pelican Portrait...

Jacksonville Arboretum, Proverbs 27:19

What a view

Ibis at Twilight...

View on my run just now

Amelia Island

Jacksonville Arboretum, Psalm 42:1

Down the Industrial Line...

View of the St Johns River through old oak trees

Wood Stork Approaching the Nest

Kingsley Plantation House

A Good Friday for Disc Golf

St. John's River

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)

2014.07.10 185K Views

Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens)

Timucuan Preserve, Jacksonville, Florida, Ecclesiastes 7:13

Mayport Beach at sunrise.

The view at lunch, one more off the Triple D list #tripled #ddd

Last day of vacation and this is the view from bed. Amelia Island, it's been swell. #jsconf

Twilight Arrival on Big Talbot Boneyard

American Beach Seascape, Amelia Island, Florida

Hasta mañana Señor Sol

A few forest scenes.

Sunset on the South End, Amelia Island, Florida

Marsh Jacksonville Florida

The Dock...

Look out for Trout!

Shades of Green

South End Sojourn, Amelia Island, Florida

Close to the Sand

Beneath the Sky

I'm Still Standing...

In the Neighborhood 2 redo

Worth the Wait...

Jacksonville, 1 Thessalonians 4:17

They can't decide

Jacksonville Zoo