SWP 2003

Happy or Sad

Bowest Yard Bridge Date Plate

Connellsville Pennsylvania, Yough River railroad bridge

Soggy Sheepskin Trail

Aaron's Department Store, Connellsville, PA

O & B bridge wheeler bottom

West Penn Electric Power Station at Wheeler Bottom Fayette County Pa

Auto Glass installed, Brownsville, PA

Sam Thompson Distillery, West Brownsville, PA

Morning Coal Train

House in Connellsville, PA 1

Brownsville's broken dreams

Topping the hollow

Central Bank in Dunbar Pa.

Simply Elegant

Let it Snow

You've got to love what's lovable, and hate what's hateable. It takes brains to see the difference. ~Robert Frost~

Searights Tollhouse

The Courthouse

My little cutie pie!

Cedar Creek Gorge

The river runs wide....

NS 8466, 7264, 8883

CSX 627 and 251

In the clear

A New Level....Of Confidence and Power

PRR Bridge Pillars O&BSL Bridge abutment, Dunbar Creek Fayette County Pa


Youghiogheny River at Cedar Creek Park


Monday morning BPRR

Cedar Creek

Amtrak across the river

Connell Run Falls (6)

Coal and Color

Mon Valley Sunset

Summer's eve, crescent moon

Bridge over Cedar Creek

Q352 and the USGS!

CSX 7794 and 8635 (2)