Our view of the Rio Grande from the hot springs at Riverbend Hot Springs resort. #endofprojecttreat #truthorconsequences

red haven motel truth or consequences NM PC231023

And more lake views.

riverbend springs with view of rio grande2

Just another #PureNM #sunset viewed from #elephant #butte #nm

riverbend springs with view of rio grande3

riverbend springs with view of rio grande

riverbend springs with view of rio grande-chad

Colorful downtown

The view from here

What I like about sailing

Downtown T or C

Bedroom view

Panoramic view

Nice view

Home on the mountain

Have a seat

Western Gull

Why I <3 the Southwest

2013-06-02 17.38.18

Pilar T. Montoya

Elfego T. Valencia

Getting ready for our #float #trip down the #riogrande #river #family #fun #hotterthanhell

Guillermo Garcia

Good morning

Good morning

The Rio Grande, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Just another #beautiful #purenm #sunrise in #elephant #butte #nm

T or C station

Checking out some of the specialness that is Truth and Consequences. #nofilter

2013-06-02 17.39.27

rio grande blustery day

Cuchillo Cemetery

Chihuahuan Desert Landscape - Sierra County, NM

Rio Grande

background radiation
