Bufflehead Drake

Bufflehead in Habitat

Swimming out there Alone

Tree Swallow - "The Stare"

Morning Merganser

Happy Holidays

Roster View

Barn Swallow

River Shadows and Silhouettes

Forest Jewel

City View

Bleeding Green

Little Fighter Jet

Mallards in Flight

Spring magnolias - no editing!

Phillytown looking SUPER in Green...

Subliminal Suggestion

A Rapacious Great Blue

Red-tailed Hawk - "Watching"

This is just a test

Fall acorns and leaves on the ground

Song Sparrow

Grey Catbird


Green heron with snakehead

Blowin' in the Wind

Morning Dove

Fall Forest No.2

The Dam at Sycamore Mills

Green Heron

Fall Forest No.3

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

September 17th

Dreary December

The Wilderness

Wood Thrush

feast your eyes.

Fall Forest No.1

Great blue Heron

Landscape with trees

First U.S capital

October Morning at the Reservoir No.2