snowy Amtrak

The View from the Rose Hill Cemetery

turquoise wind chime

Mom enjoying the view.

Parking on the Campground

Side View of the Green Dragon

Practicing Panoramic Shots

Hole 17 dogwood

Hole 11 dogwood

Hole 17 dogwood

Russ Forest.

Cloud Bank

The Michigan Woods

Merritt Tombstone

Russ Forest, Cass County MI

Even the uphills were great today since they all look like this #ridelots #michianavelo #puremichigan #mtb #cycling #fatbike

Barn and clouds

Barn and clouds

Randy's ride 2014

Probably the last ride of the year at TK Lawless since they close for hunting on November 1st. Glad there are 5 other trails nearby. #nimba #imba #mtb #cycling #fatbike #michianavelo #ridelots


Labor Day weekend

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A landscape drained of color

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Day 19: Lots of dirt roads the last couple of days. I could have used bigger tires :/

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