Its 5:45 am, do you know were your Geese are?

Verbascum thapsus / Mullein / Tabac du diable

Feuilles de molène. L'an prochain la tige va apparaitre.

Mullein / Cowboy toilet paper / Verbascum thapsus

Verbascum thapsus / molène / mullein

a view from the Petit Clocher #2

a view from the Petit Clocher #3

Down from the hills

Lake Caroline closer to shore

Harfang des neiges

Round Lake Sainte Adele

Round Lake Sainte Adele

Lake Solar

Take giant steps

Good morning ! ???? just woke up to this ❄️ view. We got some fresh snow during the night. Breakfast then walk in the #forest #love #winter #Peaceful #Meditation

Harfang des neiges

Winter Sunset

Our Road

Top hill view 1

Courant printanier


Lac Rond

La saison d'été décline

Through Hitchcock's eye

Emporte-moi/Seize me/Llévame

2002-10-14 Autumn Panorama

Rivière-du-Nord (Chutes Wilson)

Sainte-Adèle, Québec

La rencontre/The meeting/El encuentro


Mystic Morning

Its cold out there...

Octobre... bientôt.

Chanson d'automne

Sunset Geese flight in V formation

skiing down the slope

Gone are the clouds, St Colomban, Québec, Canada

the cabin in the wood

Aux origines/At the beginning/Al origen
