Autumn at Dockery Lake

Color of Autumn at Dockery Lake

Sweet White Trillium

Wolf Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Dockery Mirror

Helton Creek Falls

Early Spring Stars

Dick's Creek Falls

Bristly Buttercup

Mississippi Buttercup

Sea Creek Falls

Slender-leaf Toothwort

Dutchman's Breeches

Showy Orchis

Lower Falls Helton Creek

Upper Helton Creek Falls

High on Helton

Upper Helton

Cold Reality

A way through...

Helton Creek Falls

Lake Winfield Scott

Desoto Falls

Sun thru the morning fog

Helton Creek Falls

Helton Creek Falls

Finish the plowing before it rains

Helton Creek Falls

Close-Up of Middle DeSoto

Sea Creek Falls-Toby Gant-2014