extinct volcano

The Camp of the 1st Division Looking North Towards the Camp of the 2nd Division, the Heights of Inkermann in the Distance.

Summer. Heat. Emotions.

Overlooking Georgian Bay

Cape Aiya. Looking North, Towards Balaklava.

The Island of Serpents.

[Ship on the Black Sea]


Marine and Coast Sketches of the Black Sea, Sea of Azoff &c.

Remains of the Ancient Chersonese, near Sebastopol.

Cape Tokli, on the Gulf of Kertch.

stream with clean transparent water between the stones

Modern Aphrodite.

The Peaks of Mount St. Peter.

Mouth of the Tchernaya River, at the bottom of Inkermann Bay, end of Sebastopol Harbour.

Captain Julius Robert's Mortar Boats

Perovo Solar Park

Steppes between Perekop and Simferopol.

M78: Stardust and Starlight

The Arsenal Harbour, or Military Port, Sebastopol.

Excavated Church in the Caverns at Inkermann. Looking West.



Time for dreaming...


Crimea 2002

Ukraine. Crimea. february 2009

Crimea 2013



Jasper beach

the little hazes / дымки

Киммерийские фантазии


Soft crepe de chine of sunset enveloped liquid body of the sea

Waterfall in beech forest


Crimean storm

The man on the cliff

Waterfall, Crimea