Falling Like...

1991 09-01 1204 WMSR RS3-199, FPA4-305 W/B Frostburg, MD

Spittlebug Nymphs

2017 12-03 1408.7 WMSR GP30-501 W/B CCE Frostburg, MD

Red Milkweed Beetles

2017 12-03 1408 WMSR GP30-501 W/B CCE Frostburg, MD

Sedge Wren

Dan's Rock Scenic Overlook in Midland, Maryland

Front-end view of Western Maryland No. 502

Evitts Creek Aqueduct, view from downstream

Dan's Rock Scenic Overlook in Midland, Maryland

Dan's Rock Scenic Overlook in Midland, Maryland

Daredevils on Dan's Rock in Midland, Maryland

Great Spangled Fritillary - Speyeria cybele

Evitts Creek Aqueduct

Riding the GAP

Dan's Rock Scenic Overlook in Midland, Maryland

Views from Country Club Mall

500c/m - Mexico Tower

Evitts Creek Aqueduct, C&O Canal

Teddy Bear Parade

Rocky Gap SP ~ Lake Habeeb

Rocky Gap State Park

Exiting Brush Tunnel

Vibrant November Sunrise

Fall day on the C&O Canal

Big Savage Mountain West of Frostburg, MD

Autumn Morning in Allegany County

May Rain

Hillside under clouds.

Allegany Central #1238

Dan's Rock, Maryland

Dan's Rock, MD

Western Maryland Scenic Railroad yard and shops [02]

Rare In Daylight

Narrow minded!

Autumn Smoke and Color

Lake Habeeb [03]

Sunset Stream

Evitt's Mountain Trail at Rocky Gap State Park