Interstate 64 at Rockfish Gap

Fog in the Valley

Interstate 64 at Rockfish Gap

Sunday In the Suburbs_10

Interstate 64 at Rockfish Gap

Old house, window view. Red Hill VA, December 2009

Rockfish Valley

Viewing East from Moormans River Overlook

Night view

Beaver Creek

The view from Red Hill Red Hill VA, February 20101

Viewing West from Sawmill Ridge Overlook

Another view from the top..

That's a lot of fence to paint!

Spicebush Swallowtail

Mountains near and far away

Foggy View From McCormick Gap Overlook

Love walking up the hill from my classroom to this view every evening, especially on a day like this.

Clouds over the Blue Ridge

Afton Mountain in Winter 28

Flowering crab, view 2. Red Hill VA, April 2009

Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

White Hall, VA


sunset in the mountains



Rolling Meadow

A few recent cycling pics from crozet

La vue depuis Mountains River overlook

A few pics from the bicycle last year

Hey good lookin' #blueridge #mountains #rockfishgap #Virginia #clouds #landscape

Blue Ridge Sunrise

Nice day for a #vino

Rainbow ride

Sugar Hollow

Just a few pictures taken while riding my bicycle.

Sunflowers on this morning's ride

