St Johns

Monochromatic Sunset in HDR

past, present and future

for my buddy #2

Ibis at Twilight...

Beach Blvd 212

After the Sunset (HDR)

Lonely Boat

Jacksonville, Isaiah 40:31

Volleyball in HDR (jacksonville beach)

A get well sunrise

Let's put a smile on that face...

Fountain at Deerwood Village Mall

Sunrise at Jacksonville Beach Pier II

Joker Shoot

Jax Sunset

Jacksonville Arboretum, Psalm 42:1

Under Beach Blvd 212

Atlantic Beach, Psalm 32:5

Great week here!!! This was the view from @voidlive chalet on Saturday night. #killerview #theplayers

Prime Viewing

17th Hole TPC Sawgrass

Walking the Jacksonville Beach Pier at Sunrise

Atlantic Beach, Psalm 16:11

Atlantic Beach, 1 Corinthians 13:12

.............and there shall be Light

Atlantic Beach, Psalm 93:4

Jacksonville Fishing Pier

Atlantic Beach, Matthew 12:20

Jacksonville Beach Pier

Jacksonville Pier 1

Jacksonville's landscape...


Hasta mañana Señor Sol

Mayport, Matthew 5:44-45


Low Tide...

Jacksonville Beach


Lovely Morning @ Jax!

yip yip