Bewick's Wrem

Bewick's Wrem

Bewick's Wrem

Bewick's Wrem

An #Earlybird photo for an Early #Texas #Sunrise. :)

Bewick's Wrem

Tufted Titmouse

Tufted Titmouse

Southern flannel moth (Megalopyge opercularis) Megalopygidae

Southern flannel moth (Megalopyge opercularis) Megalopygidae

View of August Sky

Eastern Phoebe

Industry Complexity

Pre-Fire Catastrophic Destructive Nature-Force

4320 Garden Path Lane view from family to kitchen

Camera Roll-142

4320 Garden Path Lane view from family toward entry

Cottontail Rabbit

Ground Skink

Ralph Mann Homestead

A #Texas good morning to everyone!! :)

Sunset at Joe Pool Lake

Harris's Sparrow

Wildflower Covered Field, Western Ellis County

Black Swallowtail

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

Chipping Sparrow

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Eastern Cottontail

Greater Yellowlegs

Sunset in meadow

Greater Roadrunner

Greater Roadrunner

American Robin

Abandoned Texas Farm House/Homestead Panorama With a Producing Gas Well

Upland Sandpiper

White-crowned Sparrow

American Robin