the west country - part 2

the west country - part 1

Roadside Palms Panorama

End of the day.

Full moon reflection on flooded rice field.

Found any Friday foolishness

Palm Trio

Moon over #NewShoresBaptistChurch #pilatesnight #sherrygibson #instagram

#thanksgiving #wishbone #splitdownthemiddle #newlyweds

What's going fun this Friday?

Froggy Friday

Found a slithery friend in a tree

Have fun out there

Domineker #rooster

Lantana #flower

February blackberry blooms. #nowinter

Yellow calla lilly

Rise n shine

Horsing around

Home town

Lady Civic

Boy Wonder and the Princess working at Nanny's...Drama Queens CAN drive a tractor! Lol #countrygirl? #dramaqueen