New Jersey

Mint Chocolate Chip

Pochuck Creek_0652

Waywayanda State Park_0613-0621

Pochuck Creek_0626

Pochuck Creek_0629

Waywayanda Autumn Sunset_8998

The Decline of Dairy 8


High Point State Park_0214

First Full moon of the Spring Season. I was waiting for the moon to rise sitting on my parents front porch. camera poised on tripod, telephoto lens attached with a great point of view. This shot was one of the gems of the moon itself, so i uploaded, proce

High Point State Park_0219

Passaic Collection 1 w/SW-UV

High Point State Park_0211

Waywayanda Autumn_4988

High Point Flare

Hamburg NJ Fire Department_5968

Wallkill River Owen's Station Crossing_6385-6387

Waywayanda Autumn_4985

Old Man Winter's Return

Waywayanda Evening_8859

The Land of Wandering Water

Sunflower Sunday

Waywayanda Sunset_10804 (Explored! 01-15-2015)

Waywayanda Evening_3739

Because Life Must Go On

Sweet Sunflower Sunset

Franklin Pond 8

Choosing a natural Christmas Tree?....... It's the best thing we can do

Waywayanda State Park_0548

Yellow and red trees on an island

High Point Symmetry

Upper Greenwood Lake Panorama_1758-1759

Waywayanda State Park_0566

Waywayanda State Park_0423a

Waywayanda State Park_0560

Waywayanda State Park_0559

Waywayanda State Park_0549