David Pancamo Skydiving with Josh

dangerous rest stop

An evening at the George Observatory

40 Acre Lake

Misty December

Lone Star Evening

40 Acre Lake: Lotus Pod

Perseid star trails 2

Saturday night stargazing

Learning in the dark

Summer milkyway

Heading Home

Before leaving

Night at the Observatory

Brazos Bend HDR Landscape

Fireball over the dome (cropped)

White Ibis with Crawfish

365.119 Dawn of a New Day

George Observatory trails

Peace on the Brazos

Gator Nest

Final Winter

The Twilight Zone

Last Light

New Horshoe Lake Sky

Late Summer Afternoon

Winter Evening in SE Texas

Farm after storm

Texan landscape

Spanish Moss in the Evening Light

With Arms Upraised

Fall in Texas

flooded path

40 Acre Lake at Dusk

Gator Eating Gator

Brazos Bend State Park

Looking for alligators this past Sunday afternoon at Brazos Bend State Park

Technicolor Nature 2


Winter Marsh

Elm Lake