Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky with Turquoise Sky 1024 x 768


Churchill Downs Paddock

Churchill Downs Race: Coming down the home stretch

Churchill Downs Race: Major Perfection crosses the finish line

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky 1680 x 1050

68/365 Fire Water

76/365 Spring Stinger

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky with Turquoise Sky 1680 x 1050

L & N Railroad Complex (Union Station) Louisville, KY

Bugatti Veyron Engine shot

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky in Peach & Blue 1680 x 1050

Bugatti Veyron

Bugatti Veyron

Opportunity Portal- full view

Churchill Downs Race: Jockey Calvin Borel

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky - Solarized 1680 x 1050

Churchill Downs Race: Chase Greatness in a close win

55/365 Harley-Davidson Model

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky 1024 x 768

Clouds & Trees at Sunset in Kentucky in Peach & Blue 1024 x 768

Deep in an Elizabeth Forest

Angry Jack-O-Lanterns

Smooth Waterfall

Remembrance of Summer

Miami Hurricanes at Louisville Cardinals

To the Laughing Tree

Blue Sky's Again

Fountain of St. James Court

Tilt-shift Made Easy

Laughing Tree

Laughing Tree

Cluster of Jack-O-Lanterns

Around The World

Dragon's Head

View from rooftop


King Tut

Freddy with Pabst Blue Ribbon

Faeries and Folklore

Tons of Jack-O-Lanterns

Voodoo Doll