End of fishing

View of the ocean from a hotel terrace

Quand on arrive en ville

eLearning Africa 2012 Debate: are mobile phones making teachers redundant?

Lagoon of Cotonou

Cotonou Sunrise

Ganvié fishing village on stilts in Benin

Untitled (2013-04-19 10:47:49) (copy 1)

Cotonou a La Barakah, Cotonou Bénin

Ponts et berges de Cotono #hdr #Cotonou #instamood #lemeilleurdubenin #sunset

Somewhere in Benin #beachphoto #beachbox #Ouidah #ouidahbeach #benin #beninbeach #beninlandscape #cocotiers #lemeilleurdubenin #mustsee

Cotonou #lakeside #leberlin #lighthouse

#beachsunset #beachphoto #sunset #nice #bluesky #goodtime #zen #zenattitude #brunyck #benin #cotonou #coucherdesoleil #fun #cool #nicecolors #picoftheday #photooftheday

#sunset #beachsunset #beachphoto #Benin #streetphotography #streetshot #twilight #brunyck

#cocotiers #pelouse #grass #golf #instagood #picoftheday #photooftheday #marinahotel

Beach of Cotonou

Ganvié fishing village on stilts in Benin

Ganvié fishing village on stilts in Benin

#sunrise #cotonou #clouds #amazingclouds #leverdujour #nuages #toits #Benin #brunyck #picoftheday #instangood #amateur #amateurphotographer #zen

#Bénin #Guezin #beninlandscape #lemeilleurdubenin #church #picoftheday #photooftheday

Ganvié fishing village on stilts in Benin

Somewhere in my lovely country #beachphoto #beachbox #Ouidah #ouidahbeach #benin #beninbeach #beninlandscape #cocotiers #lemeilleurdubenin #mustsee #goodtime #zen #relax #sand #sea #sun

#photo #cotonou #ganhi #Benin #streetphotography #streetportait #streetshot #brunyck #obamabeach #beachphoto #clown #beninchild #chilling #children #beninbeach #fidrjosse

Un homme porte un panier le long de l'océan à Cotonou - Bénin

#Cotonou #cotonoubeach #sunset #Benin #lemeilleurdubenin #coucherdesoleil