Crépuscule / Twilight

Beauté /Beauty

Séduction /Seduction

Juste un brin de fantaisie /Just a touch of fantasy

Trop-plein /Overflow

Ouverture /Opening

Coquelicots au carré / Poppies in the square

Alta Rocca

View From the Top - 3

Vantage point

Pose bouton /Pose button

L'instant magique

Minus / Tiny

Coucher de soleil sur les îles Sanguinaires

Sunset from Tour de Calanca - 1

Eclairage public

Tour de Capitello

The view

Night & Day

Million dollar view

Sunset view from house

Blooming wilderness ...



La baie de Propriano

man head-nature sculpture

Corsica - Rizzanese

Meanwhile, at the lighthouse

Plage de la presqu'île d'Isolella, Pietrosella, Corse, France 2010

Swimming time w/ L.

Golfe de Valinco (Corse)

Swimming monday (and 730 m)

Golfe de Valenco

Petite plage a olmeto

Plage Marinca, Olmeto, Corse

560 m / Love Fitbit :)

After swimming, rowing :)

Tramonto Corso

Bye bye #corsica

Beautiful Verghia

Les transats