Uncertainty Dome

The Duck Pond

Capitol View

Utah Capitol – Long View

Into The Distance

Olympus, Twins Atop

Salt Lake Shortline #2

The Good

The Bad

Salt Lake City - LRV S70 1117+1142, 14-09-2016

Early Morning Reflections

Salt Lake City blues, USA

The Ugly

A seat at the solstice

Salt Lake City Lights

N163HQ Midwest | Embraer 190-100LR | Salt Lake City International Airport

Shore patterns, Great Salt Lake, Utah

Spotter: "Over, 5 right." FCO: "Left 20, drop 50, fire for effect!" [Explored]

Anything can happen...

Just walk away, Renee: continued

half an orbit ago

Salty Grid

Salt Lake City - Utah - Sea Gull Monument - Historic

The Mote of The Brother's Eye

Mt Olympus on a winter day

Lightning storm

SLC skyline - explored

The Wind Swept Daylight In

little cottonwood canyon

Sunsets on Salt Lake City

City Creek Canyon

UTA 6 | MPI MP36PH-3C | UTA FrontRunner

UTA 4 | MPI MP36PH-3C | UTA FrontRunner

Salt Lake City Union Pacific Depot

I Won't Back Down

Comfort This Perch

Three Plots Under Two Points

Mount Olympus over the Jordan River

DAY 192

Monuments Hold on Chaos Road