One more.... The view from the workman's bench today... Digging into the troubling difficulties of Job... All hell broke loose in his life and he didn't know he was in the invisible war... #workmansbench #barnabasnotes #diligence #study #sermonprep

The view from the workman's bench today... Digging into the troubling difficulties of Job... All hell broke loose in his life and he didn't know he was in the invisible war... #workmansbench #barnabasnotes #study #diligence #sermonprep

More Clouds

Doing it the old fashioned way!

#MonteverdeImpressa #fountainpen #privatereserveink #barnabasnotes #workmansbench

#MonteverdeImpressa #privatereserveink #fountainpen #workmansbench

#MonteverdeImpressa #privatereserveink #workmansbench

A W Tozer from his book The Dangers of a Shallow Faith #workmansbench #sermonprep #barnabasstudy

Inner flap of the Bible given to me by Pastor Steve Waldron #workmansbench #barnabasnotes #barnabasstudy #sermonprep

A gift from my friend Pastor Steve Waldron #sermonprep #workmansbench #barnabasnotes #barnabasstudy

#workmansbench #barnabasnotes @ajcarroll Last lesson on the Antichrist...

Back in the saddle after the Christmas holidays and season #sermonprep #barnabasnotes #workmansbench

Down Home

Down Home

Down Home

National Peanut Festival

Down Home

I see you


The #workmansbench is in overload today while I am trying to get the hang of this MacBook Pro. Working on Sunday PM #sermonprep #barnabasnotes