A View of the turbines

Somewhere, WY

wyoming wind farm

Trailhead Snowy Range

2007 drive to CA with Annie (143)

Near Arlington, Wyoming

Near Arlington, Wyoming

Near Arlington, Wyoming


the Grave of Clement S. (Benny) Bengough

the Barn at Rock Creek

Riders on the #Storm, into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown

road trip 2014

#snowing like HELL son ! #wyoming #ElkMountain #OceRoadTrucker

made it to Laramie #Wyoming

Untitled photo

2012-11-23 11.31.54

2012-11-23 11.22.02


Road Trip 201206080019

RoadTrip 201207290023

2012-11-23 11.22.02

2012-11-23 11.31.54

CO to WA Roadtrip: Wyoming Sunset

CO to WA Roadtrip: Wyoming Sunset