scaled composites model 348 whiteknighttwo (wk2)

mcdonnell douglas av-8b harrier II plus

boeing kc-707

mcdonnell douglas av-8b harrier II plus

lockheed cf-104d starfighter

boeing/bae systems t-45a goshawk

mcdonnell douglas c-17a globemaster III

boeing kc-707

northrop t-38 talon

mcdonnell douglas f/a-18c hornet

scaled composites model 348 whiteknighttwo (wk2)

mcdonnell douglas f/a-18d hornet

mcdonnell douglas f/a-18d hornet

mcdonnell douglas f/a-18d hornet

mcdonnell douglas c-17a globemaster III

mcdonnell douglas av-8b harrier II night attack

mcdonnell douglas f/a-18c hornet

boeing kc-707

boeing 787 dreamliner

santan view

San Tan Regional Park in HDR

Saguaro with a hole in it

Enjoying the View

Too Close To Home

Electric Dreams

What Am I

San Tan trail #CoffeeKen #arizonahighways #AZC365 #trailriding #outdoors #CallistoMorgans

Light & Shadow

Riding up to the butte. A old volcano core. #CoffeeKen #CallistoMorgans #horses #greatoutdoors #outdoors #arizona #arizonahighways #mountains #morganhorses

Falling Apples #apple #lawn #afternoon #relax

The ultimate question! #sunset #gilbert

Another view. #CoffeeKen #divine_deserts #adventuretoanywhere #AZ365 #azculture #borntobunk #wildernessquest #mountainquest #instagramaz #environmentaz #bali_wanderlust

Riding along Hedgehog trail. #CoffeeKen #EarlyBirdRide #earthinstagram #environmentaz #adventuretoanywhere #bali_wanderlust #divinedesert #wildernessquest #mountainquest #lonelyplanet #AZ365 #arizonahighways

By Rocky Point today. #CoffeeKen #westernriding #wildernessculture #wildernessquest #earthinstagram #EarlyBirdRide #trailriding #travel #instagramearth #outdoors #arizonahighways #AZ365 #arizona #desert #fun #greatoutdoors #horses #CallistoMorgans #nature

On the trail. #CallistoMorgans #horses #outdoors #trails #trailriding #CoffeeKen

Nice looking cactus along the trail. #CoffeeKen #greatoutdoors #morganhorses #trails #trailriding #outdoors #arizonahighways #arizona

The views were spectacular. #CoffeeKen #earthinstagram #environmentaz #wanderlust #adventuretoanywhere #wildernessquest #wildernessculture #greatoutdoors #AZ365

Sonoran desert landscape

The view along the trail today. #CoffeeKen #CallistoMorgans #trailriding #trails #arizonahighways #arizona #outdoors #horses #mountains