Springtime in the Swamp: Water

Admiring the View


Friday Sunrises are best

Love the colors on the road today

B & C Landing 8_1, Jasper County SC, 03/19/09

GA-SC Border

Pine Forest 1 Jasper County SC 12/00/11

B & C Landing 14_6, Jasper County SC, 02/10/10

The cypress swamp

B & C Landing 3, Jasper County SC, 12/18/09

Becks Ferry Landing, 1_2, 11/26/09, Jasper County SC

B & C Landing 5_3, Jasper County SC, 03/11/09

Inside the cypress swamp

Inside the cypress swamp

Inside the cypress swamp

Cypress Cathedrals

Inside the cypress swamp

B & C landing 2, Jasper County SC, 12/17/08

B & C Landing 6, Jasper County SC, 03/15/09

Lots of Trees

B & C Landing 10_7, Jasper County SC, 12/22/09

B & C Landing 7_2 Jasper County SC, 031709

July22 (11 of 115)