Summer's Last Blooms

First Bird In Flight Shot

My Macro Misery!

Parliament Buildings - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Lightning Over Ottawa

Rideau Canal - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Fairmont Château Laurier - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Parliament Buildings - Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)

Split your infinities

don't look

Rideau Canal

Ottawa River with Bridges

View of the Ottawa River from the Supreme Court / Vue de la rivière des Outaouais depuis la Cour Suprême

IMG_1454 (2)

ahhh - that feels good!

Night View

Forty Seven

Vegetable stand in the Byward Market

View on Rideau Canal and Fairmont Château Laurier Hotel.

Thursday near the Hill

Parliament Hill viewed from Richmond Landing in Ottawa, Ontario

Dark-eyed junco / junco ardoisé /-dark-eyed junco

Sur la rivière Gatineau

Scène d'automne

Belvedère Champlain ( Parc de la Gatineau)

L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Rideau Canal Locks in Ottawa

Reflets d'eau

beautiful sky over Ottawa

fall morning at mer bleue

Parlament Hill at Fall

Musée canadien de l'Histoire à Gatineau, Québec, situé face à Ottawa la Capitale canadienne.

Short game

Rideau Canal in the Fall

Pink Lake Trail

Sunset by Ottawa River

Parliament Hill

Centre Block, Ottawa

Parliament Hill in Ottawa viewed from Gatineau, Quebec

Autumn Trail

Rideau Canal, Ottawa