Federal Signal 508

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Snow 2014

Matelea gonocarpos (Anglepod, Milkvine) Asclepiadaceae

Blue Bunny Icee

GP38 #80 on the wye

2010 Tennessee State HOG Rally | Chattanooga, Tennessee

Cloud Ship???

xenon / hid lights

Lake view

Sedum ternatum (Stonecrop) Crassulaceae

Conopholis americana (American Cancer-root) Orobanchaceae

Lake view

Red Dress

ww scoter male Chickamauga2

Holiday Inn East - Chattanooga, Tennessee

Halesia tetraptera (Silverbell) Styracaceae

Imposition of Ashes, Ash Wednesday 2013 - m4200

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Western Grebe

Pseudo Pano

Joining forces

Tennessee River in Chattanooga

Retirement Planning Service Chattanooga TN

Harrison Bay State Park

My view this morning.... . . "Be fearless in pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." . . #southernadventistuniverity #graduation #niecegraduating #nursesareawesome #tennessee #sunrise #mistymorning #iphone6s #landscape #njoyart2 #njoyartphotography2

Great Blue Heron

River Mist

NS 123, Chattanooga, TN

Chickamauga Dam

On a hill far away is where I'll be

Another awesome day for soccer in #CHA


Chickamauga Sunrise

#macro #blurry #abstraction of a #landscape

Didn't catch any fish..but I did catch a nice sunset. #sunset, #fishing, #TN,

Please consider voting for my #NationalPark Photo in the Centennial Project contest (link in bio). Only 3 days left, and I need every vote I can get! #############################The pop of fall colors and the bend in the trees with the reflection to make

Fall days

Perfect Day after the sun came out! #lookoutmountain #chattanooga #tennessee

US Cycling Chanpionship Time Trials


-Graysville Mill-FLK-C-8890