Slow Shimmer

Chapman Falls | Devil’s Hopyard State Park

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk

Spring Greens Spotlight

Devil's Hopyard State Park.

Almost Hidden

Red-shouldered hawk

Chapman Falls, Devil's Hopyard State Park, East Haddam, Connecticut

The Simple Things

Visine Needed

Pond collage

Devil's Hopyard State Park.

Old Bridge II

horse pond pano

Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland.

Morning Mist-2

Devil's Hopyard - The View

Knock, knock

Devil's Hopyard - The View

Dynamic Victorian (working title)

Duck Pond

In the Spotlight

Color pop

Chapman Falls | Devil’s Hopyard State Park

Super Shower

October 3 2013

Autumn Morning

Almost-Winter Wonderland.

Little Falls

Indian Summer at Devil's Hopyard Statepark

sun set

As Above So Below

318 (5)

316 (2)

Lower Chapman Falls

Chapman Pond -- Devil's Hopyard State Park -- East Haddam CT.

Chapman Falls

318 (2)

sun set

315 (4)

Let it Wash Over You