View of NOAA Ship Rainier

Kenai Beach

Kasilof River

Over Looking the Cook Inlet

Echoes of Alaska, - Echo Lake, 2005 No. 1 - © Copyright by Marty Nelson.

View of the Boarding side of the Lodge

front view

View of the House part of the Lodge

view from above

A stunning view of cloud enshrouded mountains in Alaska. #katchemakbay #homeralaska #homer #homerspit #kenaimountains #landscape #mountains #travel #travels #traveler #travelphoto #travelingforlife #travelphotography #picoftheday #photooftheday

Alaska 2015

Kasilof river: Where we moor our boat.

We escaped the rain of Seward and found sun on the other side of the Keani Peninsula. There's always something fun to do outside, some times you just have to look for it. #optoutside

Alaska 2015

Alaska2006-07-02 10-08-26_

somewhere in Kenai

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Alaska2006-07-02 12-42-35_

Slikok Creek

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge

Jackie Walking in Silt

Snow on the Beach

Kasilof River

somewhere in Clam Gulch

Scarab Sandpiper

Slikok Creek

Moose Family

somewhere in Kenai

Forest at sunset