Wider view

Before Sunrise

Case di Viso

Peio (Italy) 2009

Wet Horse (Best view large)

Luce sulla vetta

Optical Joy

Marileva View

FIAT 128 Rally

My favourites silly toys: The stork

I didn't believe...

Blick von der Marteller Hütte

10,000 ft

Moon Lover

Other point of view - Molveno lake

Sotto un Candido Manto

Dawn on Dolomites

One of the prettiest rides I did, incredible views at the top of the Gavia.

Val di sole - Trentino-Alto Adige (2)

waterfall 12

A view from the top of Mount Gran Zebrù (Konigsspitze) m3857

let there be light

Lago di Cornisello

More mountains

down in the valley

Lago delle Malghette

Lago delle Malghette (m.1895)

for I must be travelling on now

Enjoyski webcam: sereno freddo e neve "marmorea" fino alle 12

Lago Alto

let it flow

we're all made of stars

Lago dei Caprioli

Martelltal im Juni