Coffeepot Lake - View from North End

Coffeepot Lake, Washington

Volcano! (former)

IMG_8413 Ruddy Duck drake

IMG_8411 Ruddy Duck hen

IMG_8525 Odessa Craters pothole

IMG_8470 Great Horned Owl

IMG_8407 Drake Ruddy Duck

IMG_8465 Great Horned Owl

IMG_8412 Ruddy Duck display

Lake Creek Coulee with view of small ranch and portion of Wild Garden Crater

IMG_8480 Odessa Craters

IMG_8481 Odessa Craters

Pieces and Parts

Sagebrush and Aspen


Twin Lakes balsamroot

Earl, Washington

2015 0119 145416

2015 0119 150105

029-07 2007 USA, Washington, Lincoln County, Channeled Scablands, Twin Lakes, Rocky Hill

Basalt rim, Odessa Craters Trail

Windblown grasses along the Odessa Craters Trail

028-08 USA, Washington, Lincoln County, Channeled Scablands, Coffeepot Lake, Rock Outcrop

028-09 USA, Washington, Lincoln County, Channeled Scablands, Coffeepot Lake, Rock Outcrop

028-03 USA, Washington, Lincoln County, Channeled Scablands, Near Coffeepot Lake

028-04 USA, Washington, Lincoln County, Channeled Scablands, Coffeepot Lake