Church Dome / P2013-0824D062

Church Dome / P2013-0824D060

1968 VW Beetle HDR

Fisheye Chrysler Windsor HDR

1956 Chevy

Church Dome Stain Glass / P2013-0824D063

1948 Pontiac Silver Streak HDR

Rat Rod HDR

1955 Chevy Bel Air HDR

Fisheye Cobra HDR

1948 Chrysler HDR Fractalius

Cobra HDR

Pontiac Silver Streak HDR Fractalius

1958 Chevrolet HDR and Topaz Adjust

1968 VW Fractalius

Chevrolet Apache HDR

1962 Chevy Impala SS HDR

1958 Custom Chevy HDR

1961 Chevy Impala HDR

A Welcome Visitor

1961 Pontiac HDR Fractalius

Baby Waterfalls of Opelika

Baby Waterfalls of Opelika

Baby Waterfalls of Opelika

Return to Bean's Mill

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Baby Waterfalls of Opelika

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365 Things to do in Alabama: Day 14

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This is why I love living in the country. There is water everywhere.

Return to Bean's Mill


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#slingshotapp #sunset #delivery #cr_england

Red-winged Blackbird

Wood Duck Heritage Preserve, Opelika, Alabama

Wood Duck Heritage Preserve, Opelika, Alabama

Baby Waterfalls of Opelika

Bean's Mill Dam/Waterfall