unpacking our stinky gear at Fitz's house in Oxford

mysterious house in Oxford

University of Mississippi - University, Mississippi

Rebel Vista

Oxford Rooftop 1

Amityville Look-a-Like?

view from inside Holiday Lodge Restaurant

Tallachatchie River bridge, border of Lafayette and Marshall counties in North Mississippi

View to a Kill

The Lyceum at Ole Miss

Front view of the Lyceum at Ole Miss

Google street view vehicle

Yet another view of Deupree Hall

Another view of Deupree Hall

Neilson's Department Store

Oxford Rooftop 2

Ole Miss at Dusk

Johnny Vaught (1909-2006)

KTE (13)

KTE (11)

KTE (12)

KUOX Downwind

Fulton Chapel

Sardis Lake

Sardis Lake

Sardis Lake

Mississippi Central PREX 1605/1604 (GP16) Little Tallahatchie River Spraggins, Mississippi

365_036 - Trees & Fog

Cedar Oaks

Former Mainline 2

Tornado Derailment 2

KUOX with Snow

Northern Catalpa

Life and Death in the American South #8172

The Grove

The Grove

The Grove

KUOX Summer 4

KUOX Summer 3

Merry Christmas

The Circle

Wyatt's Crossing