Fall Tree Colors near Findley Lake Holiday Inn Express - NY - Oct 2007

my favorite tree ;)

Amazing Autumn Day at Peek'n Peak Upper Golf Course

Carex flava, growing in a gravelly seep

Spirit Ritual, Brushwood, Sherman, New York, July 2016

Snake Forest Road 1

Snake Forest Road

Summer Field, Brushwood, Sherman, New York, July 2007

Fun!, Brushwood, Sherman, New York, July 2015

Dij Dome, Brushwood, Sherman, New York, July 2016

Corry Drive-In, Corry, PA

Potentilla palustris

Near North Harmony State Forest

Carex lacustris and Calamagrostis canadensis marsh at SGL 197

Baltimore checkerspot

Carex lacustris marsh at SGL 197

Carex lacustris marsh at SGL 197

A long road to hoe

a large vernal pool

Findley Lake II


Sulphur Spring Bog

black dash