Windsor castle Upper Ward view

Windsor castle Upper Ward panoramic view B-W

Tree "in the round"

St George and the dragon


Henley Bridge in the late afternoon sunshine.


Me in the Tunnel

Measureably Improved Marble


Main Line Mayflower

19/52 - Road within a Landscape

Eton | The Round Tower

Tree on the Hill - 2

Everyone loves bikes

Her Royal Highness

Windsor Castle 3. Panorama. Nikon D3100. DSC_0560-0562

A love affair blossoms

A Flickr Milestone..... My 5000th Upload.

Windsor Street, Uxbridge.

The Long Walk at Windsor

Lake Outflow

The Lake

Golden Leaves

Marlow Sunrise

Misty Sunrise

The Folly and Sluice Gate

The clouds started to part.

Sunrise Mist


‘Autumn at Windsor’ (see description}

A Walk in the Fields

An Uncommon Place

Marlow Revisited

Winter sunset #31

Coming from the West

It's getting a-dark

Bronze on Grey
