Full view... Nevermore

My view from the porch

the junkyard

Side view of cape! #littleredridinghood #middieblythe #middie #etsyshop #handmade #sewing

Sexual Intercourse

View from kitchen... Painting today... New carpet in a couple of weeks!! This hall is old and tired

Fort Custer

The view to my back yard... In less than 2 months this will be transformed to paradise, once the hostas and lilies and various other plants come up and I get some annuals planted! Get the pool opened and everything cleaned! I can't wait!!

You'll skate across the frozen sky.

Chironominae sp.

Amphipyra pyramidoides

The Park Theater

Holomelina aurantiaca

Building a bigger brewery: 200-Barrel Brewhouse

Lygaeus kalmii

Libellula flavida

2011-07-03 22.39.35 Fireworks, Battle Creek 2011

2011-07-03 22.40.40 Fireworks, Battle Creek 2011

2011-07-03 22.41.27 Fireworks, Battle Creek 2011

Lygaeus kalmii

view from the tree fort

The Kalamazoo River

Side Road

Turn out the lights

A Worthy Stop

At Fort Custer National Cemetery

Take a Seat

The Acres (1949) Frank Lloyd Wright

The Acres (1949) Frank Lloyd Wright

A beautiful day at Chipman Preserve

Summit Pointe Trails

The hay field at sunset

Summit Pointe Trails

Turn out the lights

Turn out the lights

Fort Custer State Recreation Area, Augusta, Michigan.

Turn out the lights

A fire hydrant at Fort Custer

Fort Custer National Cemetery

Summer stream

Ho hum (21/365)