(#22) Ohio Bicentennial Barn, Geauga County

Windsor Mills Bridge

DSC_1282 pano-01c Observatory Park

DSC_1287c Observatory Park.

DSC_1292c Observatory Park.

Indian Point Trail HDR-3D

Paine Falls - Lake County, Ohio.

Country gold...

Paine Falls, Leroy, Ohio in February

Geauga County Courthouse

Chardon in the Winter; view from the front dining room window

Courthouse in the red...

reach out

finding the view

Concord Woods in Stereo

Geauga County Courthouse - 1869

Concord Woods

this is the upside-down view. i thought it looked pretty cool


Geauga County Courthouse - 1869

Union infantry...

Madison Falls

Windsor Mills Bridge

Hidden Lake_20170206_03

The Chair Factory Falls - Explore! #104 (May 2, 2011)

Ohio sunset

Chair Factory Falls - Concord, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

December Rain

Girdled Road_20170321_04

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

In the Backyard; Autumn in Chardon, Ohio

Autumn in Lake County, Ohio

Paine Falls