Sunny Brook School (rear view) - Everly, IA

Follow the right path...


Coneflowers at Waterman Praire

R.D. Klinefelter Corn Shelling garage - Peterson, IA

Rock Forest School, Dist. 4 - Peterson, IA

Fire Station - Sutherland, IA

Sutherland Farmers Co-Op Elevator - Sutherland, IA

Innes Building - Sutherland, IA

Covey Church - rural Hartley, IA

Covey Church - rural Hartley, IA

Ile ja Anku

Covey Church - rural Hartley, IA

Kirchner French Memorial Library - Peterson, IA

Bank Building - Peterson, IA

Bank Building - Peterson, IA

Rock Forest School, Dist. 4 - Peterson, IA

Sutherland Farmers Co-Op Elevator - Sutherland, IA

Sutherland Consolidated School - Sutherland, IA

Moneta School - Moneta, IA

Glacial Trail Scenic Byway

Peterson street signs and legacy Scenic Byway marker

Kirchner French Memorial Library - Peterson, IA

Bank Building - Peterson, IA