Thin Blue Line

Spirit of Peoria

Illinois Terminal SW1500 #1509 at Allentown, IL 9-11-77

Elevated Train Sky View 01172015

Another view of the stones

Triple Strike

Country at Twilight 05102015

Windy Aurora

Red North

TP&W 1000 and Friends

Grandview Shelf

Peoria Lake Lightning

the Big Picture

Approaching Peoria

Distant Rain

Missing the view to capture it...

Morton Thunderhead Panorama

Twilight From the Dam

Peoria, IL

The things she's seen...

TP&W Chief Dispatcher

Nitrogen Enriched

Cool Breeze

It's Winter

Mackinaw Storm Panorama

Sunset on the River

Penn Central #7686 Mackinaw, Illinois

Mackinaw River in Winter

3-23 Almost Sunset

#fallcolor #roadtrip #enjoyillinois #ilmagstuff #backyardtourist #illinoisriverroad

3-23 Almost Sunset

3-23 Almost Sunset

Sunset on the River

Sunset on the River

Skinny Shadow 10292014

4-7 Manipulated

Spring Green

Sunset on the River


3-23 Almost Sunset

Chicago Blues
