north by northeast

Let's talk about choice.. ok?

wooden coasters$ss

Wolf's Mona Monkey With a Searching Look at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

RR Mascot


Dominant Male Orangutan Head and Shoulders at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Another view from the papyrus.


Tigers Two

On The Edge of Heaven

Slightly different view with a different filter.

Lightning near Courtney Campbell Causeway

No No ! WE Evolved From You Humans !

Pickford Sundries

Firey Stead

Clouded Leopard Keeping Cool at Tampa Lowry Park Zoo, Florida

Not The Prison Chain Gang !

Infrared Jungle

View from the dock.

Floral Explosion - IMRAN™ -- (SOOC WindowsPhone Lumia 1020 Cell Phone Camera!) - 40,000+ Views!

Drive-by Florida suburbia.

iPhone photos from 2011

Gentle waves at dusk.

The canal behind the pool and tennis courts.

Lake Tarpon

Bar-winged Skimmer (Libellula axilena)

Tampa Bay Sunset

Tampa Bay Sunset II

Robber Fly (Efferia apicalis male) eating smaller fly

Tampa Bay Sunset III

A jet coming in for a landing on my left.

The Search for Paradise

Last one...maybe...

Happy Friday everyone....have a great week-end!

Swim at your own risk

Safety Harbor Pier

Publix parking lot sunset. Couldn't make it home in time.

My blue heaven

Stinkbug (Loxa sp.) nymph

Across the water