Hautes Fagnes in Winter

908/3 Turbo

Jaguar Type E, Spa, Belgium

s o l e r - r o i g

Cwarmê, Malmedy

Woods; Haze

Nothing seek, nothing find

s p a . c l a s s i c / o n e

Red Threat

# 1 1 1

Velvet Scoter, Macreuse brune (Melanitta fusca) - Stavelot, Liège, BELGIUM

Destination Nowhere

d i n o

3 5 6

# 7 5

l e o 's . c a r / 2 0 1 3

Stand Still

Velvet Scoter, Macreuse brune (Melanitta fusca) - Stavelot, Liège, BELGIUM

Morning Dew

s e v e n

l o l a

Dark clouds over the fens

landscape minimalism

Manoire des Lébioles (01)

straight into nothing

losing ground

Where the Light Shines Through

creepy forest

Coucher de soleil hivernale vu de Libomont, Waimes (BE)

g host s

Pasture in Belgian Ardenne / Horses - 3/3

In the forest - 1/2 - Explore #63

Barrage de Robertville

Croix Jacques Ville-du-bois 2014

Spa Francorchamps Circuit. iPhone 5s, Colourvibe Filter

Lac du Robertville - Robertville, Belgique


wax and wane

Waimes sous la neige (BE)
