Views from a plane

7764 Newborn Promethea Moth

The Pole Dance Champion!!

Rachel Starr

Harvest Moon Closeup

Neoscona crucifera mating

Water Lily

Victory Place - East Brunswick, NJ.

Amtrak High Speed

Pale Beauty

The Passion

Dusk at Cheesequake

Platform Stairs

Grape Leaffolder/Leafroller

Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly

I Feel You... (Robi és a Gidák)

Lexi Belle

Spotted Salamander

Land snail, Cepaea sp.

Ilia Underwing

Hummingbird Clearwing Moth


Sunset and Calm Seas

Last Morning of the Year

Sunrise II

Bright Sunrise

Beaver Work

Many Color Sunrise


Insane Sunrise

Parchment Sky

Elks Pine Woods

Holmdel Park-077.jpg

Odd Sunrise

2007.01.04 Sunrise II

Lone Misty Tree

From Dark to Light

Morning Light

Line in the Clouds

Sunset at Raritan Bay